Friday, July 27, 2007

Emotional Landscapes

Woohooo .... I had Peter Cook in my crit panel !!! There is also Michael Rotondi (one of the founders of SCI-Arc) and Yael Reisner, Peter Cook's wife. Amazing, insightful and inspiring comments they gave!

Some of the comments they gave >>
- basically, i have to play up the 'pirates' in the architecture. what it means to have a type of architecture that is made of of self-rule parameters

- right now.. the architecture looks too singular

- they wanna me to work on the section(hand-drawn) which they said is most intriguing

- Using the wits & efficiency that Singapore has and need, to create an architecture that shows a certain arrogance (in a good way). An eg. would be to have the desalination proposal played up to become a national symbol of free expression, as well as the nation's high efficiency and 'full independence' from the long-time sources.

Be very aware of the issue of scale and specify the spatial experience with the water desalination theme via research and technology.

I had fun talking to Rotondi. He began talking to me about spatial experience... how one walks and observe .. then he uses his hands like a chopper and literally lands it on my head and 'slice' it down to show the different experiences.

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