Friday, June 15, 2007

1st Thesis Review coming up ...

The first thesis review is next Monday, 18th June. Although it's an internal critique session, I am already having a headache at what and how to present in the clearest and most effective way. The critic panel consists of Wes Jones, Gary Paige and Tulay Atak. Rob Ley, my adviser is supposed to be present as well but he has overseas commitments. He's been most supportive, even calling from Europe a few days ago to check my thesis progress.

Anticipated criticisms from the panel:

Ø Failed Strategies: who am I to judge what is considered Failed? Perceptively failed schemes have other successful repercussions. Similarly, perceptively successful schemes have failing repercussions.

Ø Utopia idealism: to defend that architects’ design are not meant to be a guarantee; I am not designing a utopia and I am fully aware of the imperfection of the environment.

Ø Architecture & Urban issues: where is the overlap? How obvious is it? Where is the architecture?

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