Friday, June 15, 2007

why not Reduce, Re-use, Recycle?

I got a comment from a friend reporter, Shiyong and he raises an issue that I have always been burdened with - the thesis idea being still not well-defined and clear. I am trying to churn out a 'Definition booklet' as there are quite a number of technical terms. Hopefully, that will make things much clearer.

His comment was on why I chose the word ‘Pirates’ instead of just ‘Reduce, Re-use, Recycle’

Here’s my defense:

>I am not Reducing, rather I am Expanding the scope of options for a city to grow.

>Reusing - yes, it is somewhat like a re-use of past/rejected issues, but it more than that. I am trying to gather seemingly 'unimportant'/'unrelated' elements and show that they too contribute and can affect. I would say 'Re-discover' would be a better word.

>Recycling - this is also somewhat related, but there is a slight difference. A recycled entity is meant for another usage. In the thesis, the generated parallel scenario is meant to affect and interact with the perception of the individual, to interact with present thinking, with the possibility that a selected change in another parameter of the scenario results in a slightly different Present and hence Future.

>Pirates - With the notion that 'pirates' means something that is copied, stolen, and re-produced in unofficial ways, it then relates very much to the simulated scenarios I am trying to do here, which is to sieve out the 'treasures' yet unknown, take control of it and generate its potential influence (in reality, it has already been avoided and rejected).


thebeipinglady said...

hey sern, you just inspired me to compile a 'definition' booklet and a guideline for my dissertation.

seems like i've been encountering problems in the framework and keeping to my topic.

its 3am saturday and i'm feeling blue after submitting my piecemeal draft to lil. bah humbug!


Yu Sern Hong said...

Hi Deb,

I am glad the post was useful. Yeh, I am in the midst of compiling the definition book. It will definitely be helpful. How's your dissertation coming along?